Into the Night is a Belgian apocalyptic sci-fi drama thriller series created by Jason George, inspired by the 2015 Polish science fiction novel The Old Axolotl by Jacek Dukaj. In the second season, the remaining survivors secure their path to a NATO bunker, where they seek refuge from the deadly rays of the sun. Continuing their quest of survival with the military members in the bunker, they attempt to manage a burgeoning conflict and find a solution to the diminished supply of resources.

One week after its release, the first season was ranked #1 in the TOP 10 series in Belgium and #2 in the TOP 10 series in France! 

A Netflix original series
Created and written by: Jason George
Production:  Entre Chien et Loup
Producers: Sebastien Delloye, François Touwaide
Directors:  Inti Calfat, Dirk Verheye
Post-production supervisor :  Jo Nijns

Post-production coordination: Sophie Schyns
Post-production supervision: Wim De Rick
Grading: Richard Deusy
DI Management: Arnout Deurinck
Title Credits: Annelies Vaes